Saturday 28 January 2012

It's a gold mine!

After an uneventful run down to Texas with a hay load, we were routed to Topeka Kansas to pick up some 13' 4" tyres to take to a gold mine in Cochrane Ontario.

Stopped for an inter-trip near St Pauls (couldn't spell Minneapolis)

We had to run short miles until we were given an exact plan, and only got final instructions when we were near the Canadian border.

The permit restrictions in Ontario mean we can't run on a weekend, and as we couldn't even get a pilot car to run us up to Thunder Bay on Friday, we had to find somewhere to park from Friday until  Monday, so as we weren't near any facilities it meant running back down the northern shore line of Lake Superior to Grand Marais, Minnesota.

Originally we were told we would be delivering right to the mine which is 198k's from the town on a winter road, but now we shall only be going to a yard in Cochrane, which is way better for us.
The company will pay us layover pay for the weekend as we were willing and available to work, but the circumstances were beyond our control.

We left the trailer in a secure place close to the border crossing, and will pick it up on Sunday and run to the rest area at the border ready to cross first thing Monday morning.

Tommorow we will try and get some nice pictures from around town, if it's not snowing too much, but here are a few which we both took on the way here today.

Me snapping some icy rocks on the foreshore.

Pebbles frozen in spray.

Amazed at the strange sight.

Frozen waterfalls down on the right at the edge of the lake.


Mick McGarry said...

Class photos Mick, but still rather you up yhere than me. Lol

Mick said...

Cheers Mick, as long as the snow keeps away we don't mind it.