Monday 13 January 2014

Here we go again, but with a new blog name and address.

A new Year and a new(ish) blog.

I've renamed the blog which has been running since 2008 and includes the 5 months with H&R transport, Canada, the full year with Watt and Stewart, Canada and two stints working in France.

The reason?

An imminent new contract at Watt and Stewart in Claresholm Alberta, and as I will be going over to Canada on my own for a while it seems that 'Cath in Canada' is not quite right.

I'm just waiting for the LMO (Labour Market Opinion) which allows companies to employ foreign workers on a TEMPORARY basis if they can't find people in Canada to do the work. This is not the same situation as the UK where employers are looking for cheaper labour, but rather due to a shortage of people available for long haul (OTR) drivers. The Work permit comes with restrictions and is no way a quick way to get permanent residency in Canada.

I also hope to keep up to this blog with a lot more information, videos and photographs which will be relevant to anyone wanting to work in Canada on a Temporary Work Permit.

I'm using a ready built template instead of the one I made for 'Cath in Canada' this time, but I may change it back at some point.

Welcome aboard.


Unknown said...

Good luck to you ,hope the l m o will be ok soon.
I am already waiting for your nice pictures!

Mick Flynn Images said...

Thank you, I have got OK for the LMO , so now they are arranging flights. Pictures soon I hope.

sandy said...

hello and welcome back!!!

Good luck on your return, Nick and myself are back on Alberta now. Hope all goes well for you.

Sandra ( Nick Brown's wife) x

Mick Flynn Images said...

Thanks Sandy, read about your own scary experience, it can only get better.
Hang in there.